“Neither of us was interested in anything bollywood.”

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The Indian indie music site tempostand.com featured an exclusive Kastadyne interview

tempostand interview

Tempostand is a recent, hugely followed Indian indie music site making genuine inroads into bringing forth original music. When Kastadyne won their Independence Day song contest (with the original rock song Raise your hand), they interviewed the band. READ IT HERE

Indian music revolution interview

The interview with Indian rock/metal portal indian music revolution.com (IMR), is one of the most detailed and exhaustive interviews of Kastadyne. At the time of writing, the Kastadyne interview was the most viewed among all interviews with Indian rock bands.  READ IT HERE

Phish’s review of Kastadyne’s debut Indian rock album

From Phish’s review of Kasatdyne’s debut album Eleven Complaints:

“Eleven Complaints is a noteworthy debut... While writing about them one struggles with comparisons. It is grunge, it is punk, it is indie rock, it is metal, it is classic rock. I don’t know. What I do know is they have a rather unique ability to shift in and out of genres. Breaking every rule in the book to emerge with a sound that’s previously unheard. “  READ FULL REVIEW HERE

Excerpt from the tempostand interview
Q: If you were to give ‘Kastadyne’ a meaning, what would you?
Sheldon: If Kastadyne were to be given a meaning it would be defined as a new genre of music, because of our distinct sound. Imagine someone someday saying “man, thats more Kastadyne than rock” :)
Read the full interview here.http://www.tempostand.com/updates/kastadyne-interview/tempostand-interviews-kastadyne.htmlshapeimage_11_link_0shapeimage_11_link_1
Excerpt from the IMR interview
IMR (Pravin): "ELEVEN COMPLAINTS”, the debut album is all about political issues, awareness etc, but not what our Indian Bollywood crowd is addicted. What do you think - how many hearts you will able to reach by these complaints?
TJ: Neither of us were ever interested in anything to do with Bollywood. Our songs are about what really happens in everyday life, all the hardships and happiness. Indian Rock has always had a relatively small audience, and we are carving a niche within that for ourselves. The support and interest is growing, though. So it's only a matter of time.
Read the full interview here.imr-interviews-kastadyne.htmlimr-interviews-kastadyne.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0shapeimage_12_link_1

"We're trying our best to reach out to everyone, across india and as well as the world. The web makes this possible today." - Sheldon Fonseca