Forget the Government

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Hi, Keeping this really short. Am looking for a rock band to compose a song for an internet venture I am starting. I don't understand a lot of music, but love your sound so tHough I'd drop in a line. Would love to have you compose the song (Not too sure if we can afford you guys though :)) Suyash

Super. Mathi

I really liked the song... had some very cool grooves. Prasanna Singh

Hey man. Just downloaded the track. Nice song  I really liked the vocalist. who is he? Rohit Pereira

You guys are all that I imagined a rock revolution in India to be.Stay tied to the roots. We’re gonna change the system. Pradish Purushottaman

Awesome Awesome song! I recommend it to every patriotic headbanger out there. Santhosh Lobo


Kastadyne composed the much-downloaded Indian rock song Forget the Government (Live as India) on the occasion of Independence Day 2007. It was first aired on Radio Mirchi FM by the popular radio RJ Jeeturaj.  This isong is a free mp3 download.

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